Most striking cinema in Amsterdam

There are plenty of cinemas in Amsterdam, but this one we are particularly fond of: the EYE Filmmuseum. Look at the lines of that building, such an exquisite sample of architecture! And wait till you see what’s inside.
You will find the EYE Filmmuseum just across the IJ opposite Central Station. It houses movie theathers, a restaurant/bar, and special exhibitions. This is, without a doubt, an architectural masterpiece! As you keep moving, by train or boat, the view keeps changing. From the inside, the building is equally stunning as the architects obviously played with light and space turning the entire interior into an optical illusion.
Watch a 70mm movie!
It’s architecture is not the only reason why we love this place so much. It is the only cinema in Amsterdam where they show movies shot in 70mm as it requires a special projector. It is believed that this gives a wider and sharper image so that the viewer can see more details. Our first movie at EYE was Quentin Tarantino’s ‘The hateful eight’ in 70mm. So this means that we watched Tarantino’s signature aesthetic of violence in even greater detail. How lovely! And believe it or not, this was our first date!
Go for the view!
The large glass front gives you one of the best views over Amsterdam while enjoying a dinner or a drink at the bar. It is a popular place with locals so tables are often booked. But if you just go for a drink sit down at the stairs; that is definitely our favorite spot for drinks and views (see picture below). This view of Amsterdam is probably even better at night when all the lights are on.

EYE filmmuseum
How do you get there?
You simply take a ferry right behind Central Station. The ferries are free of charge and leave every so many minutes. For EYE you have to take the ferry in the direction Buiksloterweg.